Brief History
The establishment of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang was initiated by the regional leadership of Muhammadiyah Central Java since 1996. The process was followed up by the establishment of the founding committee of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang which resulted in an agreement on the settlement of universities in the form of universities. On August 4, 1999, the Minister of Education and culture of the Republic of Indonesia issued an operational permit for the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang.

Sosialisasi Program Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) dan Kuliah Kerja Lapangan (KKL)

Asesmen Lapangan LAMEMBA: Perkuat Komitmen Menuju Akreditasi Unggul

Malam Keakraban yang Penuh Sinergi dalam kebersamaan, harmoni dalam keberagaman, berjalan bersama menuju impian.

welcome to prodi manajemen
Welcome to the official website of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus). Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamiin, all praise and gratitude we always haturkan for the favors and gifts that have been bestowed by Allah SWT to the entire academic community of Management Study Program.
Prodi management has a vision of “the realization of a superior Study Program in Management Science, Etrepreneur and Islamic-based technology and international insight in 2034”
Career prospects of management graduates
Graduates of the management study program of the University of muhammadiyah semarang are expected to have good character, strong mentality, be able to become a leader and be able to apply management functions.
Job prospects Prodi Manajaemen :
- PNS (civil servants)
- Customs
- Import Export Industry
- BPR (people’s Credit Bank)
- Capital Market
- Ventura
- Manufacturing Industry
- Entrepreneurship

Kata Alumni

"The Unimus management program has given me a solid foundation in the business world. The practical curriculum and guidance from experienced lecturers helped me develop entrepreneurial skills. The network I built during college also greatly supported the success of my business. Thank You, Management Unimus"

“The Unimus Management Study program gave me a deep understanding of modern marketing strategies. Experienced lecturers and relevant curriculum helped me become a successful marketing manager. This experience has been invaluable to my career.”

“The lectures taught not only cover economic theory and international trade, but conducted practical case studies and field experiences. I recommend for those of you who want to succeed in the field of Export-Import study at unimus management.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Unimus Management Study Program Curriculum
Unimus Management Study program uses Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum. OBE is an education system that is designed to focus on outcomes and not only centered on the material that must be completed. more complete can click here.
What are the concentrations available in the Management Studies Program
In the Unimus Management Study Program there are several concentrations, among others:
- Marketing
- Finance
- Human Resources
How to register in Prodi Management
Do not be afraid and do not worry. Registration in the Management Study Program can be done at home through the page pmb.unimus.ac.id or register directly at Unimus Rectorate building.
Does the Management Studies Program offer an internship program
Yes, the Management Studies Program offers an internship program to provide students with practical work experience and prepare them to enter the workforce.
Are there any scholarships available for students of Management Studies programs
We believe that quality education is the key to a glorious future. Therefore, we offer a variety of scholarship programs for students who excel and are committed to developing themselves in the field of management. You can access some of the scholarships that can be obtained here.
our cooperation
